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Looking to Support
Someone Living with Diabetes?

This program is for you!

Starting January 2018 in Tyendinaga


FNTI’s Indigenous Community Diabetes Support Program


A one-year certificate program offered in partnership between FNTI and Canadore College.
Courses include:


Mino Bimaadiziwin - Good Life

This course will introduce learners to the concepts of Mino Bimaadiziwin (Good Life). Learners will explore and demonstrate their understanding through presentation or oral and written works the strong prescriptions for the way of a good life and how we as humans should behave toward our relations. This relationship is based on the view that all life is related, learners will discuss Indigenous Creation beliefs and how these beliefs underpin physical and spiritual realities.


Biology for Community Diabetes Support

This course provides the basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the various body systems with emphasis on the physiology of the endocrine, digestive and nervous systems as they pertain to diabetes and the diseases process, the human body and its care.


Healthy Living, Healthy Eating for Community Diabetes Support

According to Indigenous holistic teachings, balance in nutrition, activity, leisure and rest is the key to health and well-being. This course introduces the learners to the concepts needed to achieve this balance. Emphasis will be on planning healthy nutritional intake using Western and Traditional foods: understanding the role that activity plays in strengthening the person, and integrating this knowledge with a respect for the Land and its importance in leisure and rest.


Diabetes and its Impact on Indigenous People

This course is an introduction to the disease of diabetes: the condition. The learners will identify and define diabetes. Learners will review, relevant research studies involving Indigenous Peoples', and analyse the complexities of the worldwide diabetes epidemic. This course will focus on the historical legacy and the impact of health care systems on health and wellbeing. Foundational nutritional concepts will be reviewed in this course.


Primary and Secondary Prevention in Diabetes

This course is an introduction to the prevention of diabetes. The course will include the study of risk factors, diet, fitness, and related considerations across the lifespan. The course will include a lab to translate classroom lectures into everyday practice.


Tertiary Prevention in Diabetes

This course examines the signs and symptoms of diabetes. Diabetes self-management practices and strategies will be explored in order for the learner to provide basic support and instruction to individuals who have diabetes. Learners will gain knowledge and skills necessary to promote healthy eating and active living through leadership and instruction. Learners will learn tertiary prevention approaches focused on the progressive nature of diabetes and strategies to promote capacity to live with diabetes on a wellness continuum.


Indigenous and Alternative Approaches for Primary and Tertiary Prevention in Diabetes

This course examines methods and approaches that are used by Indigenous Peoples’ in the prevention of disease, with a focus on diabetes. Complimentary practices and approaches are also explored as a means of basic support and instruction to individuals who are at risk of developing diabetes, or have diabetes. Learners will gain an understanding of various Indigenous and conventional food guides. Learners will be introduced to traditional approaches used by Indigenous people to achieve wellness and maintain health, including: Traditional healing, sweat lodges, ceremonies and healing societies.


Promoting Positive Health at Individual and Community Levels

This course examines health promotion methods, strategies and approaches that can be used in the promotion, prevention and management of disease, with a focus on diabetes. Learners will engage in an examination of an Indigenous model of health. Community level strategies for health promotion will also be examined, and learners will become skilled at how to evaluate community strengths and weaknesses in meeting health care needs. Learners will also gain knowledge and skills required to promote positive behavior change and provide self-management support.