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Bachelor of Education: Indigenous Languages

Bachelor of Education

Status: In Development



Undergraduate Degree (Bachelor of Indigenous Languages) + Teacher Qualification Program (Teacher of a Native Language) = Bachelor of Education (Indigenous Languages)

Program Goals

  • Recognize community-based language learning at a post-secondary level;
  • Develop candidates’ linguistic skills in the areas of language preservation, documentation, research and revitalization;
  • Integrate community and land-based pedagogies throughout postsecondary programming;
  • Equip candidates with the necessary skills for Indigenous Language Teaching and Learning, utilizing culturally informed curricula and methodologies;
  • Cultivate respect, relationality, responsibility to cultural teachings, reciprocity, and leadership;
  • Foster a secure, responsive, and inclusive environment, nurturing a sense of belonging and self-worth. 

Program components

The Bachelor of Indigenous Languages program is 3 years, 6 semesters, 90 credits in length. It is a hybrid delivery that provides those interested in languages and Indigenous education a transformative educational journey that braids together Indigenous languages and cultures.  It also equips learners with two teaching subjects (Indigenous Languages and Indigenous Studies) for those interested in obtaining Intermediate and Secondary Division teaching qualifications.

Teacher of Native Language (TNL) program is a 2-year, 4 semester (or multi-session) program totalling 60 credits, which includes practicum experiences.  This comprehensive and culturally sensitive program equips Indigenous language speakers with the knowledge and skills to become effective teachers. TNL combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, nurturing pedagogy, curriculum development, and cultural education. It also incorporates experiential and community-based learning to enhance the learning experience and community connections.


Are you interested? Keep informed with the most up to date information by filling out our interest form.​