PPA101 - Canadian Public Admin I: Institutions

This course looks at contemporary public administration in democratic society. It is examined in light of alternative methods of organization, including that of the private sector, as well as our fundamental requisites for democracy, such as the rule of law. It also examines the role of the machinery of government in maintaining the public system of administration as it undergoes contemporary attempts to restructure the role of the state under the ongoing demands of its leaders and citizenry.

PPA102- Canadian Public Admin II: Processes

This course introduces the process of leading and managing the public sector in Canada with an emphasis on the problems of political and administrative accountability. Students are introduced to the structure and process of policy formulation, implementation and evaluation; as well as to topics in intergovernmental relations; and the impact of public-private partnerships. The prime foci are the budgetary process, issues in personnel management and the drive for economies and efficiencies; government regulation, and e-government.

PPA120- Canadian Politics and Governance

In analyzing Canada's federal political system, this course assesses the ideas, interests and institutions that help define the limits of both state and societal power. It will provide students with a clear understanding of the workings of the system of governance guiding their everyday lives as citizens and as professionals. Topics include political culture and ideas; the social and economic context; and the constitutional and institutional mechanisms of governance.

PPA124 - Indigenous Politics & Governance

This course examines the social, political, legal and historical context of Indigenous peoples in Canada and their political mobilization. Through an exploration of key challenges, flash points and current issues, the course will foster a better understanding of Indigenous efforts around self-government, nation-building, recognition and implementation of Aboriginal and treaty rights, land claims and the socio-economic gap that disadvantages Indigenous peoples in Canada.

PPA125 - Rights, Equity and the State

This course encourages learners to think critically about Canada's political system by focusing on how different levels of governments respond to issues of equity and human rights. How are issues such as race, disability, religion, gender, sexual orientation and Aboriginal Status dealt with? Why have governments recognized rights in certain areas but not others? When rights appear to conflict, how are conflicting rights balanced and then justified?

+ 2 Professionally-related Course and 1 Lower Level Liberal Studies Course 


PPA122 - Local Politics and Government

The principal focus of this course is municipal institutions, particularly in the Greater Toronto Area. Topics discussed include local government and democratic theory, the impact of urbanization and "globalization," political and administrative structures, provincial-municipal relations, local finance, and the influence of major actors such as business, labour and citizens groups. The course will end with a study of the major challenges in achieving healthy and sustainable cities.

PPA703 - Dispute Resolution in an Aboriginal Context

This course introduces students to the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), with an in-depth focus on mediation. The course combines basic theory and concepts of ADR and conflict analysis or diagnosis, along with applying ADR in practical situations within Aboriginal communities. Students will assess the relevance of ADR and mediation within an Aboriginal context and formulate appropriate adaptations.

PPA705- Sustainable Development and First Nations

This course will examine alternative models of development for Aboriginal communities. Fundamental concepts of development and progress will be assessed in the context of aboriginal culture and traditions. Examples of alternative and sustainable development in other jurisdictions will be evaluated in terms of their relevance for First Nations communities and nations within Canada.

PPA333 - Research Methods in Public Admin

This is a one-semester course utilizing both lecture and lab experience. No familiarity with the fundamental elements of research or statistics is assumed. The course gives students of public administration the practical methods needed to statistically describe and analyze phenomena and to present those results. Emphasis throughout the course is on practical uses and application of these techniques, rather than on their mathematical derivations.

+ 3 Professionally-related Courses and 1 Lower Level Liberal Studies Course 


PPA50A/B- Practicum (2)

Enrolment in the Practicum Option and this course requires evidence of at least two years of full-time and appropriate work experience relevant to the application of knowledge and skills in public administration. Students must also have completed PPA333 and at least seven of the courses in Required Group 3 in order to be enrolled in this course. Students will conduct reviews of literature relevant to their practicum project, and a substantive research paper drawing on those reviews and their public sector work environment and experience.

PPA211 - Public Policy

This course offers both a thematic and a practical introduction to the Canadian public policy-making process, beginning with the context in which ideas, institutions and interests inform public policy. With the use of a variety of contemporary social, economic and environment policy cases, the course examines the process by which public policy is formulated, implemented and evaluated - including its success rate. Lastly, the changing nature of, and contemporary challenges to, policy making are explored.

PPA303 - Financial Management

This course will provide students with an overview of public sector planning and budgetary processes, the financial management systems within governmental organizations and mechanisms for ensuring accountability. Changing structures of accountability and the merging of private and public sector budgeting, planning and management principles will be critically evaluated. Students will also be given hands on training in accessing the financial and budgetary information relevant to public and parapublic organizations.

PPA335 - Theories of Bureaucracy

This course surveys different approaches to organization and bureaucracy in advanced industrial societies. The major focus is on the exercise of power and control in organizations and the implications of this for different organizational groups. The course also examines a number of areas about which traditional approaches have been relatively silent, especially those dealing with race, gender and class. Another major theme of the course involves analysis of the changing nature of work, focusing on how new information technologies have affected the distribution of power and control in the workplace.

PPA402 - Program Planning and Evaluation

When governments choose to intervene in a policy area, they create programs. This course examines the process by which planning and evaluation of government programs takes place and explores the various methods that are used to determine whether programs are achieving their objectives. Programs in a broad range of areas will be examined, including health, criminal justice, education, welfare, environment, housing, poverty and development.

PPA425 - Intergovernmental Relations

This course examines both the formal and informal relations between the federal and provincial governments of Canada, as well as the effect these relations have on Canadian politics and public policies. Themes include national unity and regional diversity, elite decision making and democratic participation, the Aboriginal question, Quebec separation, and the effects of federal/provincial turf wars on social, environment and economic policies and programs. The course culminates in a 1st Minster's Conference simulation.

PPA700 - Comparative Aboriginal Politics/Policies

This course examines the key issues in contemporary comparative indigenous policy and politics by comparing both the similarities and the differences between the North American experience and that of indigenous people from other lands. What are the key political and economic processes that characterize the challenges and problems currently facing indigenous nations and communities in regions around the world? The relevance of Aboriginal knowledge and wisdom to the search for solutions to contemporary environmental problems and survival issues is examined.

PPA701 - Aboriginal Private-Public Partnerships

This course examines the role of private-public partnerships in the economic development and delivery of services in aboriginal communities. The challenges and opportunities of First Nations communities partnering with private and public sector organizations will be assessed, particularly in the context of governance and administration issues.

PP702 - Administrative Law in an Indigenous Context

This course examines the statutory and regulatory basis of public administration in the context of First Nations communities. It analyzes the regulatory function of administration, as well as the institutional and procedural characteristics and practices of administrative tribunal and judicial review, and assesses their relevance for First Nations communities and peoples.

PPA704 - Current Issues in Indigenous Governance

This course is designed to be responsive to addressing key issues which emerge in the rapidly evolving establishment of aboriginal governance. Consequently, the issues covered by this course will change from year to year. Possible areas of study include Indian Act Reform, Social Policy in the context of Self-Governance, Bill C-31, Citizenship, the Constitution and Off-Reserve Peoples.

+ 1 Professionally-related Course, and 1 Lower Level Liberal Studies, and 3 Upper Level Liberal Studies Courses