Suzanne Katsi'tsiarihshion Brant, M.E.S, I.M.C, P.H.C.P,
Suzanne provides leadership, vision and innovation in Indigenous post-secondary education at the First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI). She is Bear Clan and a member of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, located along the shores of the beautiful Bay of Quinte.
She holds a Master’s degree from York University in Environmental Studies with a focus on Indigenous post-secondary programming. Suzanne graduated from the Institute of Integrated Medicine as an Integrated Medical Clinician. Suzanne is a current and founding board member of Honouring Indigenous Peoples, HIP, (“Understanding the Past, Moving Forward Together”) an initiative of Rotary International and a committee member of the Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force.
Suzanne is a past board member of: Aboriginal Institutes Consortium (Vice-Chair), St. Lawrence College Board of Governors, Prevent Cancer Now (national board), member of the Great Lakes United (bi-national) and founding board member of CKWE Tyendinaga radio.
She is a past committee member of the Remedial Action Plan/Bay of Quinte, the Environmental Advisory Committee - Mohawks of Bay of Quinte, and the Health
Advisory Committee - Mohawks of Bay of Quinte
Suzanne is the 2019 recipient of York University’s Bryden Alumni “Tentanda Via” award, recognizing a graduate who has demonstrated innovative, unconventional and daring leadership and success, reflecting the University’s motto – Tentanda Via (“The Way Must Be Tried”).
Suzanne was appointed in July 2020 to sit on the Premier's Council on Equality of Opportunity, an intergenerational and cross-sector advisory group to provide advice on how young people can overcome social and economic barriers and achieve success.
Suzanne has a strong commitment to Indigenous language, culture and traditions. She is an accomplished visual artist and photographer who has exhibited her work at the Woodland Cultural Centre, Brantford and Gallery 121, Belleville. She is a seasoned gardener and specializes in traditional food systems and medicinal plants. Suzanne has four incredible children and four beautiful granddaughters.
Select Publications:
Williams, K., & Brant, S. (2021). Plant persons, more-than-human power, and institutional practices in Indigenous higher education. In V. Fletcher & A. Dare (Eds.)Intimate Relations: Communicating in the Anthropocene(pp. 197-214). Lexington Books.
Williams, K.J., Umangay, U. & Brant, S. (2020). Advancing Indigenous research sovereignty: Public administration trends and the opportunity for meaningful conversations in Canadian research governance.The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 11(1). doi: 10.18584/iipj.2020.11.1.10237
Williams, K., & Brant, S. (2019). Good Words, Good Food, Good Mind: Restoring Indigenous Identities and Ecologies through Transformative Learning.Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development,9(B), 1-14.
Adam Hopkins, B.A., M.P.A.
Adam is Lunapeew and Anishinaabe and grew up in Eelünaapéewi Lahkéewiit, formally known as the Delaware Nation - Moraviantown. He also spent a lot of his childhood in Bkejwanong (Walpole Island), which is his mother’s community. Adam is proud a graduate of Trent University and a joint graduate program at FNTI/Queen’s. He’s spent 10 years working in the university sector, mostly in student support and recruitment, before coming to FNTI in September 2016.
Currently, as the Senior Vice-President, Academic, he oversees the following portfolios at FNTI: Standalone Programs, Partnered Programs, First Peoples Aviation and Information Technology. Adam was heavily involved in the provincial recognition process of Indigenous Institutes as the third pillar of publicly assisted, post-secondary institutions. In his new role as SVPA, he is most excited about seeing FNTI receive accreditation for standalone Bachelor level degrees and assisting in continuing to build FNTI’s profile as a global leader in Indigenous education.
Shari Beaver
Proud Michi Saagig Anishinaabe Kwe of Alderville First Nation. A graduate of both Wilfred Laurier and George Brown College, followed by years of travel and teaching abroad, Shari began her journey in post-secondary in 2012 from the lens of an Indigenous recruiter travelling across Ontario gaining a perspective on the needs of Indigenous students. This created a passion to remove barriers so that Indigenous students can see themselves represented in their post-secondary experiences and find safe learning environments to learn and grow.
Cathie Findlay
Sherry Maracle
Sherry is a member of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, Tyendinaga. A Mohawk woman, mother and grandmother. She holds a master's degree in public administration and governance obtained through a joint graduate program at FNTI/Queen’s. Over the years she has enjoyed a multitude of experiences in management and leadership roles within the Federal Public Service and Indigenous organizations. These positions previously held were of Indigenous National and Regional scope, as well as local community focused. All of which have afforded her with practical knowledge, understanding, and experiences with management teams, collaborating with Indigenous communities, organizations, government departments and agencies.
Joining the FNTI team in 2025 as the Vice-President, Corporate Services.