Community Connections and Outreach

This micro-credential provides insight into different ways that family violence workers can be involved in their communities. Effective family violence prevention efforts often depend on local shelters having a respectable reputation for being accessible, open, and understanding. To achieve this, shelter workers and leaders need to represent their shelters in a good way and set an example of healthy and valuable interactions and relationships. Such relationships are possible at personal and organizational levels. There are opportunities for shelters to bolster services and supports by creating strong and constructive partnerships with other entities. These partnerships may be formal or informal, one-time, or ongoing; there are many considerations for creating and maintaining partnerships. This micro-credential will offer opportunities to think through your roles in community involvement as a shelter worker serving your community.

Learning Outcomes

1. Develop strategies for having a positive presence in community, both personally and professionally, in a way that promotes shelter services.
2. Determine the potential for and value of prospective formalized community partnerships that bolster the services and supports available to shelter clients.