ATF 110 Private Air Law

A detailed study of the relevant Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARS) and the Aeronautical Information Manual for a Private Licence.


ATF 111 Meteorology l & ll

This course prepares pilots in-training for writing the meteorology section of the Transport Canada Private Pilot written exam as well as enabling them to interpret weather reports and forecasts in preparation for flight.  To provide a solid foundation for making good weather decisions, meteorology theory is covered in detail.  This course also provides the foundation for meteorology in second and third year of the Aviation Program.


ATF 112 Flight Theory & Operations

An introductory course in aircraft performance. Covering subjects related to the production of lift, thrust and drag. The course also introduces cockpit instrumentation and the need to understand and interoperate airplane performance during normal and abnormal maneuvers and an appreciation of the operating limitations of traditional instrumentation. 


ATF 113 Flight Lab l - Part A

This part of Flight Lab One will prepare students for their initial phases of flight training, leading to their first solo flight and initial air work.  Lab 1 splits into Parts A and B over the fall and winter semesters in the first year of the program provide the required Preparatory Ground Instruction (PGI) for all flights up to the Private Licence.


ATF 114 Flight Training - Part A : Post Solo

This course provides students with initial in-aircraft instruction toward the issue of the Private Pilot Licence Aeroplane and provides a solid base of the knowledge required to be a safe and proficient professional pilot.


OSL 100 Orientation to Student Life

The orientation will provide the learners with opportunities for social engagement with their peers and faculty members; become familiar with their new learning environment; establish their personal administrative profiles; review students right and responsibilities; review overall program vocational outcomes and set individual goals and objectives fr their learning experience. Activities will include Elders teaching. Guest speakers, and individual meeting with their faculty. Students will be provided with campus and community facts and information. This will allow students to develop initial network of support at FNTI and Tyendinaga community.


STS 100 Strategies for Success

The Strategies for Success course is designed to help students make a successful transition to college life and learning. It will introduce students to the services and resources of the college and will provide an opportunity to learn and adopt strategies that support success. Individual and group academic advising will be an important part of this course.


ATF 115 Health & Wellness l

Maintain a standard of fitness, Distinguish between nutritious and non-nutritious foods, Recognize that a healthy lifestyle needs a balance and variety of foods


CMM 125 College Communications l

This first level post-secondary course will help students in all programs develop their ability to communicate effectively.  The course requires students to meet first-year benchmarks for generic skills in researching, organizing, reframing, analyzing, and presenting information.



ATF 126 Navigation l & ll

This course starts with the elements involved in Dead Reckoning Navigation.  These elements are then combined to enable pilots-in-training to pass the navigation section of the Transport Canada Private Pilot written exam and to learn the techniques that pilots use for navigating in flight.  This is also the basis for the Transport Canada Commercial Written exam in second year, and is also preparatory ground instruction for the Private Pilot Licence.


ATF 122 Airframes, Engines & Systems

A study of the topics necessary to determine that an aircraft is ready for flight, including an overview of the airframes and engines and a study of the systems and performance for the aircraft used for flight training, documents and airworthiness, dispatch procedures, record keeping, weight and balance, servicing and elementary maintenance.


ATF 128 Human Factors in Aviation

The Focus of this introductory course is the function of the body unique and sometimes hostile environment.  We will define human factors and the role they played and continue to play in flight safety.  You will learn the effect altitude has on your bodily functions,  the link between fitness, nutrition and your aviation medical, why sensory conflicts can be disorienting,  potential visual and vestibular illusions, how to deal will accelerations, about stress and the role it plays in performance.


ATF 123 Flight Lab l - Part B

This is a continuation of Flight Lab 1 (Part A) and completes the required Preparatory Ground Instruction (PGI) for the Private Licence.  It includes practical navigation and meteorology exercises, in-flight emergency procedures and aircraft performance calculations.


ATF 124 Flight Training l - Part B : Private Licence

In the second term, students will continue working on the exercises listed in Part A and work on Navigation Cross Country flight, Instrument work and preparation for their private pilot flight test.


MTH 191 Math for Technicians

This course is intended to assist the students in their performance of calculations.  Areas to be covered include scientific notation, metric conversions, estimating, significant figures, ratios and percentages, algebra, graphing techniques and interpolation of data. 

ATF 125 Health & Wellness ll

The course deals with the pursuit of wellness with a focus on physical fitness.  An understanding of chronic diseases and prevention strategies are explored.  Students are introduced to a variety of fitness activities known to maximize health benefits and life-long appeal.  Through participation in hands-on learning experiences, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make positive lifestyle changes.

AMT 106 Aircraft Handling Procedures l

Aircraft handling procedures is an introductory course to provide the students with the hand-on training and practice necessary to handle fixed wing aircraft.  Consideration of topics like Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), first aid, winter operations, fire suppression, extends the students capabilities beyond proficiency in operating an aircraft.

BCL 130 Microsoft Office l

Microsoft Office I introduces students to the microcomputer and its use in business and industry.  The main topics are word processing and presentation software in the Windows environment.  The students will also be using an electronic mail application.  The skills learned in this course will enable students to more productively complete assignments and projects required in other courses.



ATF 231 Meteorology lll

This course reviews the Theory and Meteorological Services provided for pilots in the Meteorology I & II of the first year and explores more Advanced Theory in preparation for writing the Transport Canada Commercial Pilot Written Examination (CPAER).


ATF 236 Navigation lll

This course provides the Preparatory Ground Instruction for Radio Navigation using Very High Frequency Omni-Directional Range (VOR), Automatic Direction Finding (ADF) and Global Positioning System (GPS) Navigation Aids.  This is in preparation for the skills required for the Transport Canada Commercial Pilot Flight Test (CPAER) and the Written Examination (CPAER)


ATF 232 Engines & Airframes

This is an Advanced Level Course designed around understanding the Operation & Components of light aircraft engines typically found in an Air Taxi Operation.  Focus will be on Airframe Construction, Aero-Engines, Turbine Power Plants and ALL associated systems with emphasis on both safety and the recognition & handling of Abnormal Conditions


ATF 237 Aeronautics General Knowledge         

This course is a review of Airframes, Engines & Systems, Instruments and Operations with an emphasis on more Advanced Weight & Balance Calculations, Intermediate Aerodynamic Theory, Performance Charts and Winter Flying.


ATF 233 Flight Lab ll

This Flight Lab segment provides Preparatory Ground Instruction (PGI) for the night rating and “time build phases” of flight training leading to the Commercial licence. Emphasis is on cross-country navigation and flight as well as night operations.


ATF 234 Flight Training ll: Night/Time-Build

This block completes the Night Rating and builds Pilot in Command time towards the Commercial licence.  Flights are undertaken both with classmates (mutual) and alone (solo) to build experience and confidence.  Terminal area, longer cross-country, and instrument work are included in this phase of training.


CMM 230 Workplace Communications

In this course, learners will apply the model of effective communication developed in earlier communications courses, will demonstrate the basics of informal report writing, and will focus on the organization of routine, informal situations so that they can communicate effectively in a vocational setting.


FNT 230 Intro to Indigenous World Views

This course assists learners to determine their community's strengths and weaknesses in meeting their health care needs.  Learners will engage in an examination of an Indigenous model of health that is based on a network of relationships that begin at the level of the individual, moves through the family, community, and extends to the natural environment.  This course focuses on the need for environmental assessment and examines the relationship between changes in environmental health and how these impact human health.


ATF 235 Health & Wellness lll

The course deals with pursuit of wellness with a focus on physical fitness. An understanding of body fat management is explored. Students are introduced to a variety of fitness activities known to maximize health benefits and life-long appeal. Through participation in hands-on learning experiences, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make positive lifestyle changes.


GED 100 General Education Elective



ATF 240 Commercial Air Law

A review of general air regulations and commercial 700 series regulations.  The course will have an independent base of study but will also be incorporated to create real life scenarios as a commercial pilot with a multi engine instrument rating working for a typical 703 operator.


ATF 248 Human Factors in Flight

This course continues to build your awareness and knowledge of you and your working environment. Its focus is the link between this dynamic environment and your ability to make decisions.  You will investigate accidents to show the connection between illusions and decisions.  You will learn of the many design and documentation pitfalls which have trapped others.  You will explore the decision making process used to solve problems and manage risk.  Using Reason’s Model and Dekker’s New View, you will examine the role of pilot error in the chain of events leading to an incident or an accident.


ATF 246 Navigation lV

This course explores the remainder of the radio navigation aids not covered in ATF236, and puts to practice radio navigation as well as dead reckoning skills in preparation for writing the Transport Canada Commercial Written Exam (CPAER).


ATF 243 Flight Lab lll

This Flight Lab provides the completion of the Preparatory Ground Instruction (PGI) required for the Commercial Licence.

ATF 244 Flight Training lll: Commercial Flight Test

This phase prepares the student for their Commercial flight test (at about 150 hours’ time).  Cross country flights will build flight planning experience, en-route problem solving and flying in unfamiliar territory.  Use of instrument navigation and use of Low Altitude En-Route (LO) charts is emphasized.


MTH 127 Introductory Algebra

This course provides further background and preparation for higher level math courses.  It is mainly an introductory algebra course; covering topics such as data presentation, equations in one variable, arithmetic on polynomials, factoring algebraic expressions, and the laws of exponents.


ATF 245 Health & Wellness lV

This course deals with the pursuit of wellness with a focus on physical fitness.  A personalized exercise program is designed and evaluated.  Students are introduced to a variety of fitness activities known to maximize health benefits and life-long appeal. Through participation in hands-on learning experiences, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make positive lifestyle changes. 


GED 125 General Education Elective


ATF 359 Instructor Rating or Float Rating or Advanced Multi-IFR

1/ Students complete all of the training required to become a Transport Canada certified Flight Instructor.  2/ Students complete the required training for the Float (Seaplane) endorsement that opens up opportunities as a bush pilot in commercial freight and passenger charter services.  3/ Students prepare to complete the Transport Canada practical flight test for a Group 1 Instrument rating.  Students experience hands-on training in multi-engine aircraft and in advanced simulation trainers while working in pairs in a simulated multi-crew environment.


ATF 354 Flight Training lV

This course is driven by the student’s choice of Aviation Electives.  In any of the chosen options the practical training requires approximately 45 hours of flying either as an instructor candidate, on floats or Advanced Multi-IFR.


ATF 352 Winter Survival

This course is designed to prepare a student for a downed aircraft situation under extreme cold temperature conditions of winter in Northern Canada. He/she will be taught essentials necessary for survival until assistance arrives.  This course consists of classroom training, plus outdoor compass orienteering exercise on snowshoes and culminates in a weekend outdoor survival exercise.


BUS 290 Career Planning

Career planning is a practical course designed to assist students identify their skills and develop a marketing strategy for successful employment. The course concentrates on personal flexibility, adaptability, self- assessment, interviewing techniques, and customizing the resume. 


ATF 351 Advanced Aeronautics l - Ground School

This course will prepare the student to write the Transport Canada (TC) IATRA (Aeroplane Type Rating for Two-Crew or Cruise Relief Pilot) exam. It will introduce new material, and confirm and expand on knowledge and skills obtained in pre- and co-requisite courses covering information outlines in the TC IATRA Study & Reference Guide.  Subjects will include Licensing/Testing requirements, Air Law and Procedures, Airframes, Engines, Propeller and systems, meteorology, flight instruments, navigation, radio communications, navigations aids, flight operations, theory of flight and human factors.


ATF 355 Health & Wellness V

This course deals with the pursuit of wellness with a focus on physical fitness and will focus on the sensory system.  Students are introduced to a variety of fitness activities known to maximize health benefits and life-long appeal. Through participation in hands-on learning experiences, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make positive lifestyle changes. 


FNT 350 Cultural Studies

This course aims to introduce students to the theoretical debates that occur when studying and defining culture. Using their own experiences, they will conceptualize the boundaries and fluidity of culture that sometimes results in conflicts within identity. These conflicting concepts of culture can involve and individual, a nation-state, or the world. Various cultural practices will be discussed in case studies where students will be challenged to employ different world views.


PHY 161 Introduction to Statics

This course introduces the learner to physics. Learners will examine the basic skills and techniques of the study of motion, Newton's Laws, and recognizing characteristics and properties of forces. This course places and emphasis on problem solving, numerical problems, and graphical analysis.


HBR 100 History of Aboriginal Relations

This course provides an overview of the historic stages of the relationship between Aboriginal peoples in Canada from contact to present day.  It will explore the different world views at contact, the years of cooperation and negotiation through the fur trade and treaty making era and the impact of government colonial policy on Aboriginal communities, cultures and peoples. The course will also explore the progress towards a renewed relationship since the Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal rights.  It provides an important context for understanding contemporary issues between Aboriginal and Canadian societies including land claims, treaties and self-government.


CMM 361 Speaking up, Speaking Out !

Speaking-Up, Speaking-Out will give students knowledge, skill and practice in public speaking for their academic, social, community and working life.


ATF 369 Flight Dispatcher

Students develop the practical skills and knowledge required to be employed as a flight dispatcher.  Education as a flight dispatcher enhances graduating students’ value to potential employers by broadening their capabilities beyond proficiency in operating an aircraft.


ATF 362 CRM / System Safety

This course will give the student a base of knowledge of the operating environment that can be expected upon entering the workforce, from both a safety and a human factor environment.


AMT 107 Aircraft Handling Procedures ll - Internship

Students will gain valuable work experience through a co-op with a Flight Training or Commercial Air Service in areas that may include flight dispatch, line staff and flight watch.


ATF 361 Advanced Aeronautics ll - Flight

This course will facilitate the student in gaining the necessary flight experience to meet the Transport Canada IATRA (Aeroplane Type Rating for Two-Crew or Cruise Relief Pilot) eligibility requirements.


ATF 365 Health & Wellness Vl

This course deals with the pursuit of wellness with a focus on physical fitness. The student will develop mechanisms for stress management, in personal and occupational environments.  Students are introduced to a variety of fitness activities known to maximize health benefits and life-long appeal. Through participation in hands-on learning experiences, students gain the knowledge and skills necessary to make positive lifestyle changes. 


GED 135 General Education Elective