Ann McIntosh and Bonnie DeRushie from the East Central Ontario Training Board in Belleville, Ontario, came to FNTI to offer the students of Ohahase a chance to learn more about the job market and potential career ideas. They offered incredible insight into the prospective employment opportunities within our area and abroad. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and share their own experiences with everyone in attendance. Ann and Bonnie gave a lot of personal accounts of how your career path can change based on your own needs or comfort level, and based on the economic circumstances of the time. Ann mentioned the three key things that employers look for which are, dedication (showing up), preparedness (being ready and willing to work), and thinking (critical thinking and problem solving). These three attributes make you stand out to almost any employer. The students enjoyed the workshop and were given an information package with further information on job trends, and market statistics. They will be delving into this information on a deeper level with their instructors.