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Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer Supports Postsecondary Learner Mobility at FNTI

News Release 

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer Supports Postsecondary Learner Mobility at FNTI (First Nations Technical Institute).

June 18, 2024

TORONTO – Dr. Adrienne Galway, Executive Director of the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) was joined by Jill Dunlop, Minister of Colleges and Universities, and Dr. Ann Marie Vaughan, President and CEO of Humber College, to announce 39 new projects focused on supporting postsecondary learner mobility. https://oncat.ca/news

Over the next year, ONCAT is flowing over $2.8 million to support learner mobility projects at 35 colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes in Ontario. These projects aim to empower learners by recognizing previous education and professional experiences and facilitating smoother transitions between programs and institutions. At FNTI, this funding supports the following projects:

*Enhance transfer operations to accommodate increased enrollment

*Develop transfer operations for inaugural FNTI advanced standing degree programs

*Develop Policy and procedures to evaluate transfer and progression

*Create systems to capture transfer credits for transcripts and reporting 

FNTI President Suzanne Brant states “FNTI is proud of our valued relationship with ONCAT. This project will focus on smooth transfer operations with respect to our increased enrollment, while developing transfer options for learners to access our inaugural FNTI advanced standing degree programs. Our goal is to create course coding to ensure transferability for FNTI learners into other Institutions, while providing an open door for learners wishing to attend FNTI. Data collection will capture transfer credits for transcripts and reporting, ensuring a smooth progression for learners as they navigate their educational journey. This is a very exciting time for FNTI and Indigenous learners.” 

"Empowering learners with accessible pathways to navigate their educational journey is key to helping them achieve their professional and academic goals,” said Dr. Galway. “The increased funding will promote improved transitions between institutions and programs, helping learners get where they want to go." 

“The Ontario government is proud to support ONCAT’s important work to make it easier for learners of all backgrounds to pursue their educational goals,” said Minister Jill Dunlop. “By facilitating smoother transitions and recognizing the wealth of knowledge gained through previous experience, we are fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment to advance student success in Ontario.” 

In Fall of 2023, ONCAT initiated calls for projects for greater accessibility and impact within the postsecondary sector. This call was met with an unprecedented number of applications from postsecondary institutions, demonstrating a growing interest to support greater learner mobility, expand access to postsecondary opportunities and improve pathways to the labour market.  

Established in 2011, the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer plays a pivotal role in supporting learner mobility, working to reduce barriers for students seeking to transfer among the province's public colleges, universities, and Indigenous Institutes. For more information, visit www.oncat.ca. ONCAT is funded by the Government of Ontario.

FNTI was incorporated in 1985 as an Indigenous-owned and governed post-secondary institute that supports self-empowerment, personal transformation, healing, identity, kinship, cultural respect and capacity-building for Indigenous peoples and communities in Ontario. FNTI educates learners in professions required to build capacity in Indigenous communities. FNTI is a not-for-profit, registered charitable organization accredited by the Indigenous Advanced Education and Skills Council (IAESC). It is located on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory in the Bay of Quinte. 


ONCAT News release: https://oncat.ca/news+article+1000100740

ONCAT Backgrounder: https://oncat.ca/news+article+1000100737