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A Glimpse into the PSW Program psw training 2

The students in the Personal Support Worker program are jumping right in and getting the hands-on experience they will need for their future careers as PSWs. They are learning the ins and outs of providing quality care for clients. The classroom atmosphere has been supportive and positive as the students learn both practical skills, and receive valuable cultural teachings to aid in personal development. The general consensus is that the learning experience at FNTI so far has been positive, fun, and fulfilling. Stacey Davey from Napanee said, "My learning experience is a positive and fun one!" The PSW program is a challenging and rewarding program for students. It is easy for doubt and frustration to creep in when you are learning new skills, but with a supportive teaching staff and a dedicated cultural advisor on hand to offer guidance, the students are in good hands. The students in the 2016 intake are off to a great start in what is shaping up to be an incredible year of sharing and learning. 



psw training