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September 2020 Delivery FAQ

September 2020 Program Delivery: Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Will FNTI still be running their college programs in September 2020? 

A: Yes! New deliveries for college programs slated to start in September 2020 will continue as planned.  

Q: How will FNTI programs be delivered in September 2020? 

A: FNTI acknowledges the gravity of what living during a global pandemic means for our organization, the communities we serve, and how it may affect our traditional delivery model. Moreover, FNTI acknowledges the strength and power in community-based deliveries. These deliveries are often supported by local community members, and are grounded in Indigenous Knowledge, and Indigenous ways of knowing and understanding the world. This will not change. 

We are making every effort to ensure that the student experience in the classroom will not change. Students will continue to be supported by instructors, cultural advisors/elders and student success facilitators in every single classroom. Some of these supports may now be through a virtual environment. 

Any changes to our traditional delivery model (intensive delivery mode) will be comprehensively detailed, explained and fully communicated to our students. Furthermore, extensive wraparound supports aligned with the method of class delivery will be developed and employed to meet the needs of our students needed by our students. 

Q: What is virtual/blended delivery? 

The whole planet has been faced with a shifting landscape in education since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. 

In order to maintain an uninterrupted, culturally-driven approach to Indigenous education at the post-secondary level, FNTI is exploring blended delivery options for its programs. 

A blended delivery model can be defined as a combination of online and face-to-to face course delivery and experiences. 

This method allows us to expand our reach provincially while observing social distancing protocols and reducing our carbon footprint. 

Your opinion matters to us and it will help inform our planning efforts in course preparation, program delivery, technology use, and wrap-around student support. 

The results of this survey will be aggregated into themes and there will be no personal identifiers, so please answer in full, and to the best of your ability. 
Thank you for taking the time to help us plan for the well-being, future and the sovereignty of our communities. 

By the way, responses received before April 28 at 8 p.m. EST will be entered into a draw to win great prizes! 

Take the survey now: 
